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MERRY MEET & WELCOME to Havin' A Ball! My name is Stephanie and I live in Houston, Texas. This site was created to show what great pets snakes are. Ball pythons are my absolute favorites, 2 of them that I adore. I found that as a first time snake owner, the Ball Python was the best snake. They are relatively small (about 4 and a half feet being average length, but can grow a little longer), calm and very tame. They also have the sweetest faces!! Those of you with BPs know what I mean there!! Once my husband got "snake fever" our collection began to grow. I started off with Orlock as a baby, almost 5 years ago and at one point had 7 snakes, 4 being large pythons and boas. Andy (Hubby) leans more towards the bigger snakes and soon after I got my second BP, Valeck, he got a red tailed boa named Sebastian. After that, another red tail, Azriel made a home with us. Sebastian unfortunatly died two years ago from an infection related to a thermal burn. Our snakes now include 2 ball pythons and a juvenile red tail boa, Atilla. This site however, is mainly for ball pythons, and their care. So look around and I hope you find out some interesting and fun information about BPs. I also have a care sheet on keeping red tail boas if you are more inclined to keep bigger snakes.

If you want to know what other critters reside with us, go to the "More About Me" link. What a zoo we have here!!
Well the winter fast is over at our house. Orlock and Valeck have begun eating small meals of mice! They will go back on rats soon. Smaller meals should kick their digestion in gear without having to work hard on digesting big meals. Hope all is good with your snakes, and I will update more pictures soon. With it being warmer here I can take outdoor pictures of my BPs!! Have a look around my site and if you would like your snakes picture posted here, just e mail me a photo at tuffcookie36@hotmail.com

Page updated on 04/10/04

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Here is Atilla, my baby red tail boa.